#75: You’ve kept me from the room where it happens… // Part Two

Make yourself another Burrgory Bay Breeze because Gregory Treco is back again this week! In addition to taking questions from our lovely Patreon Peeps, Gregory talks about his experiences as both an original Broadway cast member of Boy George’s musical Taboo and a finalist on WB’s Popstars. Gregory also goes in on his fantastic relationship with his ultra talented brother Mathenee (Mulligan/Madison on the HamilTour) and their very similar career paths.

Become a Patreon Peep: https://www.patreon.com/TheHamilcast

Mathenee Treco on American Idol: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxv8xw_mathenee-treco-sudden-death-american-idol-12_music

Mathenee Treco’s Music Page: https://www.facebook.com/mathenee/?pnref=lhc